Welcome to my Blog! Here you will find random thoughts, opinions and stories about my life, or at least losely based on my life. I hope you enjoy them.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My day at work

Today at work, I was talking with a coworker. I don't remember what we were talking about, but it was probably about acne, or the Cher farewell tour. During the middle of the conversation, my coworker remembered he was supposed to attend a meeting, starting in just a few minutes.
"Oh f*ck me in the *ss" he yelled.

"Well, you could at least buy me a drink first" I said.

Then he left for his meeting.

Later I was talking with another coworker, when she mentioned that she had gone to the Kentucky Derby this weekend.

"Cool. Did you see that girl-horse die?" I asked.

Then she left for a meeting.

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