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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

And that's my cue:

During this past week, there has been a backlash aginst John Fitzgerld Page for the comments he sent a women on the dating site It seems as though every blogger in the country has made a comment about this gentlemen, and sience I am a blogger; I am no exception.

For those of you who don't know the story, John recieved a message from a women known as Jen, saying something to the effect that she was interested in him based on his profile. John then sent the women a series of questions he uses to weed out women he is not interested in dating. Here is that message,
I live in a 31 story high rise condominium, right in the middle of the Buckhead nightlife district. Do you ever come to this area of town to shop/go out/visit/explore?
I went to an Ivy League school - the University of Pennsylvania - for my undergraduate degree in economics and my graduate degree in management (Wharton School of Business). Where did you go to school?
What activities do you currently participate in to stay in shape? I work out 4 times a week at LA Fitness. Do you exercise regularly? I am 6 feet tall, 185 pounds - what about yourself? I am truly sorry if that sounds rude, impolite or even downright crass, but I have been deceived before by inaccurate representations so I prefer someone be upfront and honest on initial contact...
I do mergers & acquisitions (corporate finance) for Limited Brands (Bath & Body Works, Victoria's Secret, etc). Enjoy any of our stores/divisions?
Do you have any other recent pictures you care to share? I have many others if you care to see them.

Ok, so the guy thinks alot of himself. But, he did appologize if he sounded rude. No harm, no foul. After all, he just wants to make sure he is not being deceived. However, the the women then sent him an automatic responce provided by that says,

" Thanks for writing to me, but unfortunately, we're just not a good match. Good luck in your search! Our Portraits didn't match on: A. Personality"

At this point John decides to become a cry baby bitch and write,

I think you forgot how this works. You hit on me, and therefore have to impress ME and pass MY criteria and standards - not vice versa. 6 pictures of just your head and your inability to answer a simple question lets me know one thing. You are not in shape. I am a trainer on the side, in fact, I am heading to the gym in 26 minutes!
So next time you meet a guy of my caliber, instead of trying to turn it around, just get to the gym! I will even give you one free training session, so you don't blow it with the next 8.9 on Hot or Not, Ivy League grad, Mensa member, can bench/squat/leg press over 1200 lbs., has had lunch with the secretary of defense, has an MBA from the top school in the country, lives in a Buckhead high rise, drives a Beemer convertible, has been in 14 major motion pictures, was in Jezebel's Best dressed, etc. Oh, that is right, there aren't any more of those!

And that's my cue:
John, I know you've heard this a million times but you are a bag of douche. You work out at LA Fitness? Are you sure it’s not L gay fitness? By the way masturbating in the locker room doesn't count as working out. Oh, I'm a crybaby bitch. She hit on me first! Ah, boo hoo. Yeah, and I'm guessing she was drunk when she did it. I'm a real catch. Yeah, that’s why you need a website to get a girl friend. You live in the heart of the night life my man. Why can't you find a girl there? Also, how do you hit on someone on I don't understand how someone can hit on you on the internet. One time an old guy sent me a picture of his dick on line, but then again, I did ask for him to send it. What was that guys name again? Oh yeah, it was John Fitzgerld Page.
8.9 on What are you in seventh grade? How can any self respecting adult put a picture of themselves on I can't think of any other group of people that has as many tools as wait, Mensia. I drive a beemer.
Yeah, 1997 called, they want their lingo back. 14 motion pictures! Which movie, Loser, or 40-year old virgin? You meant to say you were a glorified extra in some independent films shot in Atlanta. How ever did you accomplish that feat? Look out Mark Wahelberg, John may steal your role in the Brazilin Job, or more likely John will give you a hand job in Brazil. I noticed you played the role of Lovestruck doofus in Beauty Shop. I'm guessing that wasn't much of a stretch for you. You were also in Diary of a Mad Black Women. Siskel and Ropert gave that two thumbs down, mostly because you were in it.
Its cool that you are a model. Unfortunately, you look like Will Ferell had sex with a retarded Ben Affleck. I will give you one free training session. One free training session-What are you Asian? I will give you one free fourtune cookie.
John refuses to apologize for the message he sent to this women, but sometimes you just have to admit you were in the wrong. So, for all homosexuals, film extras, the mentally handicaped, members and staff, Mensia members, BMW owners, Tyler Perry, Will Ferell, Ben Affleck, Mark Wahelberg, Siskel and Ropert, people of Asian ethnicities, and John Fitzgerld Page, I'm sorry if I offended you in any way.

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