Today while looking through widipedia.com I came across an interesting facts I would like to share with you:
There was once a comic book titled, "Gloomy Gus, the homeless ghost, and his angelic sidekick." I don't know what Gus looked like, but I imagine he looked kind of like the homeless guy in this picture. I should note that most ghost are white, unlike the man above. However, black homeless men are just as scary a most ghosts. (I should know. I'm sitting next to one right now in the library. He's so scary, he made me crap my pants...no, wait that's his natural smell.)
There was once a comic book titled, "Gloomy Gus, the homeless ghost, and his angelic sidekick." I don't know what Gus looked like, but I imagine he looked kind of like the homeless guy in this picture. I should note that most ghost are white, unlike the man above. However, black homeless men are just as scary a most ghosts. (I should know. I'm sitting next to one right now in the library. He's so scary, he made me crap my pants...no, wait that's his natural smell.)
There was no article about this comic book, and when I searched the name on google I found a picture of Casper the friendly ghost having intercourse with Jenna Jamenson. (She really has been with everyone-expect for Yogi Bear, who refused to eat her vagina because it in no way resembles a picnic basket).
Anyway, I'm guessing the Gloomy Gus comic book was short lived because people realized that ghost can live wherever the hell they want. There is no such thing as a homeless ghost. If a homeless guy died and came back as a ghost, he wouldn't stay homeless. He doesn't like to take dumps in city parks. Didn't Gus realize he was invisible and could fly? That sounds like a licence to be badass. If I were a ghost, I think I would haunt the playboy machine. I would fly around the house saying, "Boo, boo, boobies."
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