Welcome to my Blog! Here you will find random thoughts, opinions and stories about my life, or at least losely based on my life. I hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Perez Hilton

I would like to take this opportunity to express my dislike of fellow blogger Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr., better known as Perez Hilton of Why does he have millions of readers a day, and only one (including myself)? Do people honestly think he is funny? Lets take at some of his work:

Bromance! That is hilarious. Its like two guys in a romance. I mean, that must have taken 5, maybe 6 seconds to think of. Oh, you didn't actually think of it yourself? You stole it from an episode of Will and Grace? But, I mean you're so cool and orginal. You're an exentric gay man, who makes bad jokes about celebrites. You can't see that on cable television 24 hours a day. Wait, you mean I can make jokes that are just as funny. Well, I'll give it a shot.

That was pretty good, right? Did I think of it by myself? Well, no. I kinda borrowed it from Dain Cook, but no one has ever heard his material.

Perez Hilton, you are not funny or interesting. I feel bad for saying that, so lets end this blog entry with something nice to look at:

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