Welcome to my Blog! Here you will find random thoughts, opinions and stories about my life, or at least losely based on my life. I hope you enjoy them.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The real hot girl sitting next to me at the computers in the library

Today at the library, this real hot girl was sitting next to me at the computers, so I decided I would write a blog entry about her entitled The real hot girl sitting next to me at the computers in the library.
I was hoping she would see me writing the blog entry and say, "Hey, why are you writing about me!"
Then I would say, "Why are you looking at my computer? Is it because you were interested in what I had on my computer, because she wanted to make small talk with me because you want me to ask you out on a date to Red Lobster?"
Then she would get all embarrassed and say, "No."
Then I would act all smooth and ask her out and she would say yes.
However, she didn't notice what I was typing. She did however turn her head my direction and sneeze into her hand. I decided I to cough real loud so that perhaps she would look my way and also notice that I suffer from illnesses of the human body. I couched real loud, but it didn't work.
Next, I tried yelling, "What's this on my computer!" However, she had put her Ipod earphones in, and could not here me.
I scrambled to think of something to grab her attention, but she left before I would think of anything. Fortunately, I copied her e-mail address when she wasn't looking. I'll send her a copy of this entry. Checkmate, my friends; checkmate.

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