No snowflake is shaped the exact same-- In no way has that fact been, or will ever be interesting. In fact, I would say that fact is the most unintersting fact of all time. I curse my first grade teacher for ever teaching it to me. For some reason every one I know loves to quote this fact everytime it snows. When Al Gore released, An Inconvenant Truth, and declared that the world was under the attack of global warming, I said good-because I hate it when it snows. Everyone walks around like they're Stephen Hawking, spouting a fact that everyone already knows and really dosn't care about. (Of course, I guess he dosen't actully walk) Anyway, the next time you here someone say, "no two snow flakes are shaped the exact same way", you should punch them is the ass--Do it for the kids, and also for the snowflakes.
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